Athletic Directors: Lee Beattie & Tim Hartje
School Colors: Navy Blue and Vegas Gold
School Song: Notre Dame Victory March
Lee Beattie
155 So 3rd Street
Pembina, ND 58271
Preparticipation Physical Examinations completed for the 2023-24 school year will be accepted during the 2023-24 school year upon submission of a parent and athlete signed waiver (previously known as Form B). Students who did not have a Preparticipation Physical Examinations completed for the 2023-24 school year must complete a Preparticipation Physical Examinations completed for the 2023-24school year. https://ndhsaa.com/
Here is the link for the pdf- https://ndhsaa.com/uploads/files/NDHSAA-Preparticipation-Form-B.pdf
Grizzlies Sports Co-Op
Pembina County North Grizzlies is a sports cooperative between the North Border and Cavalier school districts. The sports under this Co-op agreement are Cross Country, Golf, Girls Fast Pitch Softball, Track and Wrestling.
Activities Pass 2023-24
Students in Grades K-12 can purchase an all sport all season activity pass. The cost is $25 and is good for games in both Pembina and Walhalla. Students in grades K-6 must be accompanied by a responsible adult when using this pass or they will not be allowed in. Season passes for adults are $80. Passes can be purchased at the school offices.